Robotic Ready™

Outdoor Power Equipment Made SmartER

Enable automatioN and Autonomy

Make your outdoor power equipment Robotic Ready today.

Self-driving, autonomy, human-assisted collaboration, teleoperation, and repetitive labor reduction is here.

Sell More

OEMs with Robotic Ready equipment sell more by providing higher value to end user operators. This means happier customers and higher margins for everyone.


Investments in Autonomy, Robotics, and Software require subject matter experts to ensure safety, efficiency, and value. Leverage existing partnerships and forge new ones while building reliable solutions.

Level Up

End-user customers are demanding automation to reduce labor costs, increase efficiency, and enable safer operation. Why doesn’t my power equipment drive itself? Now, it does.

Why Become Robotic Ready?

If you’re a manufacturer of outdoor power equipment and you’re not already automating your equipment, you should be. The Robotic Ready program can accelerate adding autonomy and de-risk integration, rollout, and even customer adoption and usage.

The Robotic Ready program is designed to upfit equipment into the manufacturing process or as close as possible, so that end user customers (equipment operators) get a seamless, supported system, enabling more efficient usage.

"The future is here,
it’s just not evenly distributed.”

- William Gibson, Author
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